name of user currently logged into computer

Posted by anj on July 04, 2001

How can I post the time and date in the status bar?

Also, I'm doing this certain project regarding call inquiry/call management. Example: Person A called me at time A, then he calls again at time b but I wasn't the one who answered his call but the person answered knew that Person A called at this time and I answered Person A's call. Complicated?

The question is, how can I store the operator's name or the one who answered the call and the time in a grid? Here's the worst part, the operator will not enter his name in a an editbox, it should automatically appear in the grid because there's a login thing.

I hope you can answer me.
thank you!

Re: Jack on July 05, 2001

Here a function which returns the name of user currently logged into that computer. I hope this is useful. Good Luck.

function TfrmMain.GetNetworkUserName : String;
  //  Gets the name of the user currently logged into the network on
  //  the local PC
  temp: PChar;
  Ptr: DWord;
  buff = 255;
  ptr := buff;
  temp := StrAlloc(buff);
  GetUserName(temp, ptr);
  Result := string(temp);

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