ListBox : Alignment of Columns & Data

[ Delphi Tutorials -- by DelphiLand ]

Posted by Lionel P12219 on December 13, 2004 at 19:05:02:

I am working with the ListBox component and have a Loop-Until that produces 3 columns of data but I have not been able to add headers to each column nor have I been able to align the columns or the data. I am sending the code I am working with so anyone can see what I am trying to do.

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); 
  ListBox1.Clear; //Clears ListBox to run again
  // Some calculations 
  // .......
    // Some calculations 
    // .......
    ListBox1.Items.Add ('Time= ' + FloatToStr(i) + '^i' +
      'DD = ' + FloatToStr(DD) + '^i' + 
      'EE = ' + FloatToStr(EE) + '^i' + 
      'DD-EE = ' + FloatToStr(DD-EE));

  Until (FF < Max);

Any help will be appreciated.

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