Sorting ShellListview by clicking column

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Posted by creeek on November 17, 2004 at 12:57:41:

I have been trying to a solve problem for about 9 months now and still no closer (I tend to ignore it! But now it is REALLY annoying me!) Should be a simple problem, but there seems to be no information out there :(

Anybody? How can you sort columns by clicking it (date, type, name). I have done this successfully in a 'listbox'.
I use Delphi 7, so an example project would be perfect! :)

I am trying to develop a program for use by teachers and pupils to access their files. One that is user friendly and can copy and remember places where they have been (Favourite places and favourites 'sets', e.g. music, video, pictures). I use it at home and find it very useful. From an administrator point of view it is configurable so they can only access drives that I allow! (and many more options)

The latest version can be found here! I upload to here from time to time. There is a readme within this file on its use.

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