Posted by indy gabrie on May 24, 2000 at 15:47:53:


Great , well put togther and very informative webpage, i am new to delphi software,
what i wanted to do was the following:

I have created an application in Delphi, what i want to do is online help within
the package e.g. what my package does is that it displays reports, by clicking
on the report name and then press 'run report' button, it collates the info. from
a Ingres database and i have used report writer within delphi to generate the reports....

What i want to do is when the user highlights the report , if he the
presses the 'help' button, i want to have my help file coming up on the screen to give
the user the outline of the report, the brief description and why it has been produced,
i want to have control over the help ....how can i do this....do you know if this can be
possible ....thanks in advance....indy

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