Create school lessons schedule and an accountant application

Posted by Master777 p12635 on October 23, 2008

Hi to everyone! In brief explanation;
I would like to create an accoutant application where you can add/remove and edit our incomes and outgoings, with delphi. But before that i also like to create a simple schedule program for my brothers high school where he's a teacher. Basically it will be a few pages of application. First page will be data entering to find and place teachers and may be students as well. We'll need add and delete functions for new records of the teachers lists and then second and third pages will be a table with cells. Eventually it will be four or five pages of application. When we place every individual lessons it will directly goes to individual school classes? and their lessons hours? and every teacher will have a unique numbers with their own unique number colors so they can fill one form and they will have all the rest of the forms filled already so they will print all the necessary pages all together. I would like to have any help with these please. Thanks in advance!

I would like to start learning on these applications where i have mentioned above? So if i can have any schedule and accountant models to practice with would be great!

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