Garbage written to a TFileStream

Posted by RussCAp12602 on May 10, 2008

I am trying to write the text from a RichEdit.Lines.GetText to a TFileStream. It works, but the result is a file full of gibberish.

Here's sort of what I have:

  TS:  TFileStream;
  Tx:  String;
  i:   Integer;
  TS := TFileStream.Create('text.txt', fmCreate);
  Tx := reEdit.Lines.GetText;
  i  := Length(Tx);
  TS.Write(Tx, i);

The proper number of bytes (i) are written to the file. However, the actual data written is pure garbage that bears no similarity to the contents of Tx that I can determine.

What am I doing incorrectly?

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