

I have a timer on my form that I want to countdown from 20:00, in seconds and minutes, until the clock reaches 00:00.


// declare a variable for counting the remaining seconds
// the variable must be accessible by all the routines of the unit,
 // so declare it before the routines of this unit
var Seconds: integer;

At design time, set the Timer's property Interval to 1000 (1000 milliseconds = 1 second) and set property Enabled to false (so that the Timer doesn't start immediately when you start the program).

At run time, start the Timer, e.g. by clicking a button:

Seconds := 1200; // 20 minutes = 1200 seconds
Timer1.Enabled := True; // now, start the timer
Label1.Caption := '20:00'; // we start counting down from 20 minutes

Source code example for the event handler for the Timer:

var Min, Sec: string;
  if Seconds = 0 then begin // the countdown is over
    Timer1.Enabled := False; // stop the timer
  else begin
    dec(Seconds); // one second less remaining in the counter
    // part 1: remaining minutes to show:
    Min := IntToStr(Seconds div 60); // DIV: integer division (1 min=60secs)
    // part 2: remaining seconds to show:
    Sec := IntToStr(Seconds mod 60); // MOD: remainder of integer division
    // if necessary, add '0' in front of the strings   
    if Length(Min) = 1 then Min := '0' + Min;
    if Length(Sec) = 1 then Sec := '0' + Sec;
    // show in format '00:00'
    Label1.Caption := Min + ':' + Sec;