Found cause of Delphi I/O error 6

Posted by webmaster Guido on March 08, 2007

In Reply to Re: debug Delphi: I/o error 6 and 32 posted by webmaster Guido on March 03, 2007

: I have a short program that reads some text files then encrypts them. I occasionally get I/O error 6 or 32. Heres my code:
: [source code here, see previous message]

In the copy below of the first lines of your FormCreate procedure, I marked and commented the lines that can cause errors. Please let me know if this info solved your problem :)

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  SR: TSearchRec;
  Done: string;
  FName: string;
  InFile: textfile;
  LineofText: TextLines;
  i: integer;
  DotheEncryption: Boolean;
  DotheEncryption := False;
  If FindFirst('*.doc', faAnyFile, SR) = 0 then
    FName := SR.Name;
  { But... if FindFirst did NOT find a file, then
    FName doesn't contain a valid filename ! }
  AssignFile( InFile, Fname ); 
  { If FName doesn't contain a valid filename, then
    InFile now points to a non-existing file }
  for i := 1 to 5 do begin
    { If InFile points to a non-existing file, then
      the next line will give an I/O error 6           }
    Readln(Infile, LineofText[i]);
  // etc...

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