How to migrate from Delphi3 to Delphi2005

Posted by Bijal on March 07, 2006


We have project in delphi 3 on windows98 . Now we want to migrate this project from delphi 3 to delphi 2005 on WindowsXp. But we r getting error : E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical.

This is due to HModule being declared as system.Cardinal instead of integer as it was earlier.

Hmodule, the Windows Handle is of type integer in the Delphi 3 code and it was running fine on win98.

On recompiling in Delphi 2005 on winXP, the compiler and the help insight state that the windows.pas has these same parameters of type cardinal. Any idea why and when this has happened and what is the workaround ?

Are there any other memory issues/upgrades in windows API due to a change in OS from Win 98 to Win XP ?

Any help from your side would greatly be appreciated.


With regards,

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