Re: data from text extraction

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Posted by WAllison on December 06, 2001:

In Reply to: Re: data from text extraction posted by Rob Pouwelse on November 08, 2001:

: : I've got a question..:

: : how can i extract certain values (int's or string's) from a text file??

: : it's like this:
: : Nov 5 09:00:00 gateway newsyslog[14491]: logfile turned over //this is the first line
: : Nov 5 09:02:15 gateway sendmail[14502]: JAA14502:, size=2766, class=0, pri=32766, nrcpts=1,, proto=SMTP, []
: : Nov 5 09:02:16 gateway sendmail[14503]: JAA14502: to=jean, delay=00:00:02, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=cyrus, stat=Sent

: : now i have to extract certain values (the ones behind the "=" but not all)
: : The lines are random in order...

: : I haven't the foggiest on how to do it..

: : please help..

: : tnx, in advance
: : Rob Pouwelse

: the from= and msgid= wouldn't post cause of /< and />

I quickly came up with this - this way you need to know the keynames before the =.

GetDataString('F:\Source\TestApp\TestFile.txt', 0, 'from');

If i get time ill write one that goes through th file picking them automatically.

function TMainForm.GetDataString(FileName: string; LineNo: Integer; KeyName: string): string;
var F: TextFile;
    i, APos, BPos, CPos: integer;
    s, s1: string;
  If KeyName[Length(KeyName)] <> '=' Then 
   KeyName := KeyName + '=';
  If FileExists(FileName) Then
    AssignFile(F, FileName);
    i := 0;
    while not (EOF(F)) and (i <> LineNo + 1) do
      Readln(F, s);
      i := i + 1;
    APos := Pos(Uppercase(KeyName), UpperCase(s));
    if APos > 0 Then
      APos := APos + Length(KeyName);
      s1 := Copy(s, APos, Length(s) - APos);
      BPos := Pos(',', s1);
      If BPos = 0 Then BPos := Length(s);
      CPos := APos + Pos(',', s1);
      s := Copy(s, APos, BPos - 1);
    else s := '';
  Result := s;

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